Monday 1 July 2024

Huawei and may goes out of expectation

 # Is Huawei Behind

The connection between Huawei and has been a topic of discussion within the tech community. is a GitLab-based repository hosting service similar to GitHub and GitLab. Although there is no official statement explicitly stating that Huawei owns or operates, there are several factors that suggest a strong association between the two.

## Hosting and Infrastructure's infrastructure and services are believed to be heavily influenced or supported by Huawei. This inference comes from the strategic alignment of with Huawei's broader technological initiatives, such as HarmonyOS. The integration of with Huawei's open-source projects and its support for HarmonyOS projects point towards a close relationship.

## Ecosystem Integration appears to be part of Huawei's broader ecosystem of platforms and services. This is evident from the numerous repositories and projects related to Huawei's technologies and products hosted on These projects include those focusing on HarmonyOS, suggesting that is aligned with Huawei's interests and objectives. The presence of projects closely related to Huawei's strategic goals further supports this connection.

## Community and Projects

Many of the projects hosted on are directly related to Huawei’s technologies, particularly HarmonyOS. This association reinforces the perception that is part of Huawei's ecosystem, even if it operates independently on a GitLab-based platform. The alignment with Huawei's technological initiatives and the strategic focus on projects like HarmonyOS indicate a strong connection between and Huawei.

## Public Perception and Statements

The connection between and Huawei is often discussed in the tech community, despite the lack of an explicit public statement from Huawei. Observations about the nature of projects hosted on and their alignment with Huawei’s strategic goals lead to the assumption that Huawei is involved with the platform. This perception is reinforced by various discussions and sources within the tech community【9†source】.

# Disputes Over Reference or Duplication of GitHub Projects

The practice of duplicating or referencing projects from GitHub on other platforms like can be controversial. This behavior is often viewed negatively by the open-source community for several reasons:

## Intellectual Property and Licensing

Open-source projects are released under specific licenses that dictate how the code can be used, modified, and distributed. Duplicating projects without proper attribution or adherence to the licensing terms can violate these licenses, leading to legal and ethical issues. This is a significant concern in the open-source community, where respecting licenses is paramount.

## Attribution and Credit

Proper attribution ensures that original developers receive credit for their work. Duplicating projects without giving appropriate credit undermines the contributions of the original authors and can demoralize developers. This lack of recognition is seen as unethical and damaging to the collaborative spirit of open-source development.

## Fragmentation and Confusion

Duplicating projects across multiple platforms can lead to fragmentation, where different versions of the same project exist in various repositories. This fragmentation can cause confusion for users and contributors, making it harder to find the authoritative version of the project and track its development. It can also complicate collaboration and maintenance efforts.

## Community Trust

Trust and reputation are vital in the open-source community. Engaging in practices like unauthorized duplication can damage the trust between developers and users, affecting the overall health and collaboration within the community. Maintaining trust is essential for the success and sustainability of open-source projects.

## Quality and Security

Duplicating projects without proper maintenance can lead to outdated or insecure versions being available. Users who unknowingly use these versions may be exposed to security vulnerabilities or other issues. Ensuring that duplicated projects are properly maintained and updated is crucial for user safety and project integrity.

Overall, while referencing projects can be beneficial if done correctly (e.g., through forks with clear attribution), outright duplication without regard for licensing, attribution, and community norms is widely regarded as low and unethical behavior in the open-source community.

# Geopolitical Context and Huawei’s Position

Huawei's efforts to build its ecosystem, such as through HarmonyOS and platforms like, occur within a challenging geopolitical context. The US-China trade war and associated tensions have significantly impacted Huawei's operations and its relationships with global tech communities. Also censored in China makes Huawei's public response to this behavior impossible too.

## Trade Restrictions and Platform Access

Sanctions and restrictions have made it difficult for Huawei to access certain technologies and platforms, including GitHub to some extent. This has driven Huawei to develop and promote its own platforms and ecosystems as alternatives to Western technologies. is an example of this strategic response to trade restrictions and geopolitical pressures.

## Ecosystem Building

Huawei’s initiatives, like HarmonyOS and, are part of its broader strategy to reduce reliance on US-based technologies and platforms. By developing its ecosystem, Huawei aims to ensure greater control and resilience in the face of geopolitical challenges. These efforts are crucial for Huawei's long-term sustainability and competitiveness in the global market.

## Perception and Transparency

Clarifying Huawei's involvement in platforms like could potentially improve transparency and trust. However, given the restrictions on Western platforms in China and the broader geopolitical context, such clarifications might be challenging. Huawei's strategies are likely influenced by the need to navigate complex regulatory environments both in China and internationally.

## Engagement with the Global Developer Community

Despite these challenges, Huawei has made efforts to engage with the global developer community. Initiatives like open-source contributions, developer conferences, and collaborations with international partners are part of their strategy to remain integrated with the broader tech ecosystem. These efforts are essential for fostering innovation and collaboration across borders.

## Strategic Communication

It might be beneficial for Huawei to enhance its communication strategy to address misconceptions and provide clear information about its platforms and initiatives. Proactive engagement with global developer communities and transparent communication about its goals and partnerships could help mitigate some negative perceptions and foster better relationships within the tech community.

# Conclusion

Huawei's situation is shaped by complex geopolitical factors and trade restrictions, influencing its efforts to build an independent ecosystem through platforms like While these efforts face challenges, enhancing transparency and communication could help Huawei navigate these difficulties and maintain positive engagement with the global developer community. The broader context of international trade and technology policies will continue to play a significant role in shaping these dynamics.


Again, this is another proof that China's internet black box censorship is the biggest hurdle to a stronger and more open China.

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